“Dare to Dream, Learn to Achieve”

+91- 9051515414  /  7797278679  28, Gariahat Road (South) Kolkata – 700031    

Rules & Regulations

General Rules:

The following rules are required to be strictly adhered to:

  1. Students are expected to regularly and punctually attend the school. Those who arrive late are normally sent home.
  2. At all times, a tidy and spotless uniform is required. Students who wear unclean or disorganized uniforms might not be permitted to attend class.
  3. Students who are ill or have an infectious disease are not permitted to attend class. Any student found appearing for a class work/test with an infectious disease will have his/her class work/test cancelled.
  4. Students must complete their homework regularly.
  5. Students have to behave towards all members of the teaching and non-teaching staff with the appropriate deference and courtesy, including their teachers. They must always conduct themselves in a way that upholds the honour of the school.
  6. No student is permitted to leave the school grounds before the scheduled time for leaving.
  7. Students who are not using the school bus are allowed to leave with their guardians or escorts after showing their identity cards. No student will be permitted to go on their own.
  8. It is strictly prohibited to bring any offensive books, magazines, or newspapers to school.
  9. Students are not allowed to bring any valuable items to school or wear watches or gold jewellery.
  10. Any changes to the student’s profile, such as a phone number or address change, should be reported in writing right once. The application for a change of address needs to be signed by both parents or legal guardians.
  11. Students should either bring their own tiffin or, in certain scenarios, get it from the canteen.
  12. No event or celebration may be planned at the school without the administration’s prior approval.
  13. If a student has forgotten to bring something, such as a water bottle, tiffin box, sweater, etc., school staff will not be able to carry it to the student’s classroom. Please make sure the student is carrying the necessary items.
  14. Girls are only allowed to wear black hair bands or rubber bands. No other colours may be used.
  15. Metallic water bottles (which are currently on the market) and plastic water bottles without straps are not permitted.

Guardians should be aware that:

  1. Plenty of focus has been put on teaching the student’s discipline. Any type of disruptive behaviour or disrespect could lead to a student’s removal from the school.
  2. If school property—including library books—is purposefully destroyed or damaged, strict measures may be taken. In certain situations, a hefty fine might also be applied.
  3. Any exam or test when unfair methods are used will result in the cancellation of the student’s full term’s results. If a student helps someone else unfairly, they will both be held responsible.
  4. Maintaining a friendly attitude with classmates is expected. Any student who fights with others and injured them could be subject to severe disciplinary measures, such as suspension. Students who harm the school’s moral values may need to be expelled.
  5. It is requested of guardians that they not allow their children to miss school unless it is due to illness or other similar reasons.